8 Easy Ways to Make Someone Else’s Day


Greet them excitedly when they enter a room

There’s no better feeling than being warmly greeted when you enter a new space. Acknowledge someone else’s presence!

Ask them how they are and dig deeper

“How are you?” “I’m okay, how are you?”  Ask why they are just okay! “What’s going on in your life?” It feels good to know someone cares.

Just smile

It’s funny the power that a smile can have. I can say that my days have been turned around simply by having a stranger smile at me. BE THAT STRANGER.

Notice and remember the small things

People feel good when they feel noticed. Point out small things and they’ll be surprised you actually pay attention to them. Make sure they are positive things though lol.

Show endless gratitude

No matter how small of a favor someone did for you, you need to remember that no one owes you anything. So appreciate the fact that someone went out of their way to do something for you. It will make them happy that they did.


Send random texts to see how your loved ones are. You never know how their day is going and it can make the difference. It doesn’t have to be serious- send them a funny meme or cute gif. Its nice to know someone is thinking of you.


Get off your phone, be present. What is this person communicating to you and why? How are they feeling in this moment? What can you do to show that you are really truly listening? Do it. We all want to be heard.

Be encouraging!

Be the voice of excitement and positivity in their day. Support their wild dreams, let them know they can get through their battles. Believe in them.


It is crazy how little effort on your end can make a huge difference on someone else’s day.  Not only does it make them feel good, but it can impact your day for the better as well. 

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